Sweets are a great way to flavour spirits. they give you a great colour and really sweet, easy to drink flavour. 

Skittles Vodka

These flavoured vodkas are really quick and easy to make. The only thing to remember is that you do have to separate the colours and infuse them separately, otherwise you end up with a very unpleasant brown. I use empty pasta sauce jars for this because you need five of them, but it only takes a day to make, so you don't need to worry to much about an airtight seal. 

  • Four big bags of Skittles
  • 1 Litre supermarket own brand Vodka
  • Five clean and empty pasta jars

Separate the Skittles into the different colours. Pour them into the pasta jar and add 200 ml of the Vodka. Leave four about 24 hours and strain into a clip-top bottle. 


Dark chocolate gin

This gin works really well as a base for sweet, creamy drinks.

  • 1 bar good quality dark chocolate (grated or finely chopped)
  • 500 ml gin

Add the grated chocolate and the gin to a Kilner jar. Leave to infuse for as long as you can, ideally about 6 to 9 months, shaking it every week or so. After straining the gin, keep the chocolate to one side as it is very lovely in a sponge cake.