There are some lesser known US presidents who may not be on dollar bills, so I thought they needed a drink.


The William Henry Harrison

He may have only been president for 31 days, but the ninth president was the perfect inspiration for this after-eight flavoured drink.

Be sure to serve it with plenty of ice!

  • 2 measures Bourbon
  • 3 measures Baileys
  • 1 measure Creme de menthe

Mix the Bourbon. Baileys and Creme de menthe in a cocktail shaker. Pour into whisky glass with plenty of ice.  




The rutherford B. Hayes

Some people think he was a mid-range president, but I think he is one of history's baddies, so this drink has lashings of bitters.

  • 2 measures Bourbon
  • 3 measures Lemonade
  • dash of bitters

Fill a whisky glass with plenty of ice. Add the Bourbon and top up with Lemonade. Add a dash or two of bitters and serve. 


the calvin coolidge

Tall, cool and with a New England flavour, Calvin Coolidge was the obvious inspiration for this winter warmer. 

  • 2 measures Bourbon
  • 3 measures single cream
  • 1/2 measure maple syrup
  • 1/4 teaspoon grated nutmeg

Fill a shaker with ice and pour in the bourbon, cream and maple syrup. Shake thoroughly and strain into a martini glass. Dust with the grated nutmeg.